aeroacoustic measurements
reducing sound emission for a better future

What is
The core mission of AEROMIC is to develop breakthrough microphone technologies to significantly increase the environmental performance of aircraft, such as reducing noise emissions. AEROMIC aims to develop advanced digital microphones by leveraging the state-of-the-art microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology for next-generation aeroacoustic applications, which will contribute to European competitiveness in the aeronautics industry.

Added value
through Aeromic
In the AEROMIC project, the final target is to provide a turn-key fast applicable solution for aeroacoustic measurements, which is expected to have a marked impact on some EU-leading industries such as the aviation, automotive, and wind energy. For example, the advanced method of aeroacoustic measurements can not only accelerate the development progress in the aviation and automotive sectors but also improve the overall performance of aircrafts and vehicles. Consequently, the smart, green, and integrated transport will be achieved as a driven force of the economy recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic.
Aeromic as flagship project
The AEROMIC project is the first EU project coordinated by SAL, which brings us to a remarkable opportunity for embracing Europe’s aeronautical research and innovation. Also, it is the only granted project in the MEMS field under the H2020/Clean Sky 2 programme in 2020.
We tackle the challenges of the 21st century
Reducing noise emissions
Developing promising technologies
Smart and sustainable air travel
Maintaining and protecting the natural environment
Improving human health
Post-pandemic economic recovery
Aeromic Newsticker
Final review meeting set on October 24th 2023: save the date!
Save the date! The AEROMIC final review meeting will take place in a hybrid setting on Tuesday, October 24th. With the final review in the morning, the on-site participants will also have the occasion to discuss the lessons learnt from the project and potential future...
Second Test campaign at Vectoflow GmbH
Members of the AEROMIC consortium met again in Southern Germany on August 24th 2023. The goal of this meeting was to perform wind tunnel tests of the piezoresistive rigid array prototypes at the small windtunnel, part of the Vectoflow GmbH facilities in Gilching, next...
AEROMIC special session at SMART 2023 conference in Patras, Greece
Members of the AEROMIC consortium attended the 10th ECCOMAS thematic conference on Smart Structures and Materials in Patras from 3 to 5 July 2023. Prof. Ngo (HTW-TUB) and Adina Neascu (USound GmbH) chaired the special session SS14 dedicated to Microsensors for...
UC3M visit to Silicon Austria Labs GmbH for piezoelectric array testing
On 23 and 24 of May 2023, José A. Garcia Souto (UC3M) and Cindy A. Baez Rivera (UC3M) both visited the Silicon Austria Labs GmbH Villach site, in order to perform preliminary testing of the piezoelectric arrays that were kindly sent by Kolja Erbacher (TUB) after...
SAL visit at USound GmbH facilities for vacuum testing
Consortium members from Silicon Austria Labs GmbH visited the USound GmbH premises in Vienna, including the anechoic testing chamber in order to define the best procedure for the piezoelectric and piezoresistive single sensors vacuum testing. The experiments were...
Second Workshop & test campaign at AIRBUS Toulouse
Members of the AEROMIC consortium met again in the AIRBUS Saint-Martin campus next to Toulouse, France on December 12 to 14, 2022. The goal of this consortium meeting was first and foremost to complete the aeroacoustic testing of single packaged microphones, both...
Lixiang Wu gives talk at USN
On Friday, 4 Nov 2022, Dr. Lixiang Wu, staff scientist from SAL, gave an invited talk on piezoelectric MEMS for acoustic and ultrasonic applications in the Friday seminar of University of South-Eastern Norway (USN). The presentation title is ultra-thin MEMS microphone...
Workshop and test campaign at AIRBUS Toulouse
Members of the AEROMIC consortium met in the AIRBUS Saint-Martin campus next to Toulouse, France on October 6 and 7, 2022. The goal of this consortium meeting was on the one hand to hold a workshop to discuss progress, challenges, and next steps of the AEROMIC...
Test campaign at Vectoflow GmbH
Members of the AEROMIC consortium met in Southern Germany on August 1 and 2, 2022. The goal of this first in-person consortium meeting was to perform wind tunnel tests of the first piezoresistive and piezoelectric microphone prototypes at the Vectoflow GmbH facilities...
Innovation: Microphones reducing aircraft noise
With AEROMIC, the Austrian top research center Silicon Austria Labs (SAL) is coordinating a transnational EU project for the first time. Research is carried out on innovative microphones that measure noise emissions on the surface of aircraft. The aim is to...